Friday, January 30, 2009


S wanted to do facials tonight with her friends, first we tried an oatmeal/brown sugar was a flop, in more ways than one, like all over the floor mostly. The chocolate/honey one felt smooth on our faces and the drips were yummy!


The butterfly cake is really 12 cupcakes that were baked in a mold and then I put the pieces together and tried to frost them so they looked like a cake. Next time I make one, (oh probably next week for R's birthday I'll try to frost a little better in between the cakes so it looks more like a whole cake. I was happy for my first attempt.


A certain little girl around here is 12 today! Happy Birthday Pretty Girl! I love you!

Monday, January 26, 2009


If I don't have a fever, why would I sweat all day long? I don't know what the deal is, but I was so freaking hot all day at school today. Other than when I went outside and it was so cold. Which I'm sure will help this illness to get better. Not being able to stop sweating just makes me nervous because of the adrenal tumor I had. I still have lots of sinus pressure and because of the antibiotics I think I have a yeast infection. It has not been a very fun day. I mostly rested all weekend, and I took Friday off, I would have hoped I was better today.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

sick again, whiny- update 3 PM

I am so tired of there being something wrong with me, it is making me nuts. Last night before I went to bed, I noticed my cheeks getting very red. I woke up this morning at 4 and couldn't fall back to sleep. By 8, my cheeks felt like they were on fire and my stomach starting hurting. I had the school nurse check my temp. because of course no thermometer could be found at home. I didn't have a temp. but she noticed I was breathing really hard, and my legs and feet seemed swollen. She is awesome, she knows my history and really thinks I should go in and see my doctor today. The first appointment I could get is at 1:15, but I left school at 10:15 so I could rest of a little bit before going. My cheeks are less red, but my stomach still hurts, and now my throat hurts, but maybe that's because I didn't get enough sleep. I guess it was a good day to leave early because the little one I am with most of my day wasn't at school today, and I have sick days hours I can use so I won't be short on hours, but still I'm am so frustrated that I am sick once again. At the very least it seems like I have a sinus infection, but my throat didn't look to good either so the doctor did a throat culture. Antibiotics no matter what. She ordered an ultrasound of both my legs just to be sure there isn't a blood clot, which I'm sure there isn't since I'm on blood thinners, but she wants to be sure. She thinks I should wear support sticking for the viscous vein that is getting worse on my left leg. Since I was there and she was doing such a through job I asked her to look at my belly button that still hurts and it sticking out some, the first thing she asks me is "am I pregnant?" I would love to have been a few years ago, but really, unlikely with a husband that had a vasectomy 8 and a half years ago, I had a ablation over 2 years ago (which wouldn't stop a pregnancy but make it more complicated), and being 42 would make it highly improbable. Who knows what caused this hernia to develop, I had one on the right side of my belly button when I was pregnant with S, which was fixed when I had the tumor removed when S was 18 months. I've decided to wait and see if it gets bigger or feels worse before I do anything about it.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Prayerful day for....

1. My nephew left early this morning for basic training for the next 5 months 2. United States new president 3. My foot doctor's appointment 4. My niece and her flight to Germany. the flight should take off any minute now. to teach on a military base, and will be home in early June. 5. My friend's daughter who has barely recovered for pneumonia now has a serous case of strep. Today was our school's 100th day of school, so in the kindergarten classroom I was in there were lots of projects and not a whole lot of learning, so I had lots of time to be in a spirit of prayer. Plus the over 2 hours I spent driving to the doctor's office and home again. The doctor did give me shots and man did they hurt. In six weeks when I go back if there is no improvement we will talk about doing the major surgery. AT this point I really don't care I just want to be able to walk.

Friday, January 16, 2009

I am so sick of my feet hurting

The foot surgery I had done over the summer on my right foot did nothing long term. I had some relief for a small amount of time, then I had cortisone shots in both feet, and had relief for about 2 weeks. I haven't been back to the foot doctor since Oct. I've just been putting it off. Tuesday I have an appointment after school. I can't live like this any more. I hate walking around all day, I spent an enormous amount on shoes from Foot Solutions right before Christmas hoping that would help. And I wear my orthotics which are terrible. A friend suggested gellins. I had never heard of them before, but saw a commercial for them last night, so i"ll look for them. I am so desperate for relief. I know my next step is a much bigger surgery, where I will not be able to bear weight on my feet for several weeks. And there is no guarantee it will even work. And I doubt I can have both feet done at the same time. UGH, MY FEET HURT!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


R felt terrible at school today. She doesn't have a fever, just a bad headache and feels like she's going to puke. P is at work, I got to come home early with her. Thursday is my easiest day to leave early so that worked out. I feel like I'm playing hookie. It's kinda fun.

Friday, January 9, 2009

My feet hurt and I'm tired

It's been a long week. Stressful at work everyday but Wednesday. S stayed home from school yesterday, she said she was sick, but fine by the time I got home. P had to work late yesterday, so it wasn't a big of a deal for her to stay home. R stayed home "sick" today, I think she was just tired. P works late again tonight. My cold is almost gone finally other that my nose is still runny. But I developed a sore belly button. I'm not sure what's causing this pain, and it seems hard? Very weird. I had my blood level checked yesterday and it was still good! I must go rest for a little bit before the kids and I met with P's family for my sister-in-law's birthday dinner.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Escort service

Yesterday morning S decides we can take the neighbor girl who I don't get paid to take to school, to school. And we have to pick her up. Which wouldn't be that big deal if the girls would just get in the car right away when I ask. Yesterday afternoon I ask J if he has any homework. He says no. This morning he hands me a paper to fill out while I was getting dressed, so therefore missed the bus. P had to work today at 7, and made sure J had his ROTC uniform on before he left for work, to make sure for me he wouldn't miss the bus. But he did anyway. I was mad, and usually when I'm mad that he's missed the bus I wait until the afternoon to talk to him about it. I couldn't stand it this morning. We had a conversation (one sided) on the way to school about getting papers filled out, would in fact be homework, if it is do the next day. I get home barely have tine for breakfast before leaving for work, when S tells me we are picking up neighbor girl. I was so freaking mad, I couldn't even talk to any of them!

Monday, January 5, 2009

First day back

was a drag to get up in the morning, then when we get to school my lunch got left in the car. Which at least it came to me before I actually started my day. But still having to walk back to the car was a drag. Then I forgot about a meeting we were having after school today, what a drag, I was supposed to go have my blood level checked again, The meeting it's self was good, and it was great to see once again how well we are respected by the spec. ed teachers. After a quick dinner of leftovers and putting tomorrows turkey soup in the crock pot, I laid done and watched silly TV with the girls, and slept for a few hours. Now if I could get them to sleep now I think I could go back to sleep.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! It's almost over

I can't stand how fast the break went, How could it go by so fast? I think another week off would be so much better. The girls spent some time getting their backpacks ready and lunches packed. I still am not feeling 100% so I am hoping I'll wake completely healed in the morning. R and I managed to go out and see a movie Friday afternoon together, but she also really wanted to go to As you Wish and paint something, I just couldn't do it. I tried explaining to her how much more fun it would be to go when I'm not going to get short with her, because of how I am feeling. There was just too many days during our break all I wanted to do is stay in bed, we had lots of family movie times, but the one thing I really wanted to do was to go check out the new aquarium. Someday soon... Planning that with me not feeling great and football games didn't go well. The girls and I went to Justice today for them to spend some money they had which too forever for them to decide what they "had" to have. Funny how when it's their money it takes much longer to decide than when it's my money they are spending! Then we went to Kohl's were R finds shoes she must have. I don't think she needs them at $50. Did she get them? What do you think? We stopped a Freddy's for an early dinner, just us girls but we brought back almost all the fries for the guys. That meal was the only one I wanted to try today, I had some major issues with my stomach yesterday. And it didn't disappointment me after I ate my burger. Hopefully that issue will resolve itself soon so I can get rid of the coughing and runny nose next.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I am much to tired to post anything from our celebration. But I promise to update later. Maybe after a few hours of sleep, maybe a few days of sleep! I dragged myself out of bed at 12 to fix a New Year's meal for all of us before P went to work at 3:30. I was smart enough to start things yesterday, (like I baked the turkey) but it still took a little while to get it all on the table. We had a very nontraditional meal of all our Thanksgiving favorites. Thankful for a New Year meal. Plus I'm thankful for having leftovers for the rest of the weekend. The kids and I spent the evening at my sister's house last night playing games, P made it to her house 6 minutes before midnight. When we got home we had out traditional toasts. The kids and I have been putting away all the Christmas decorations, the tree still needs some work and there are boxes all over the family room floor, until P and J can get them in the attic, and Pa will need to take the tree out. While I love decorating the house for Christmas, I also love putting it all way on New Year's Day and enjoying a less cluttered house.