Saturday, August 21, 2010

Back to School

First week went well for everyone. R hates having to walk home, especially since on the days she has PE last hour, which for now when it's so hot is in the multi-purpose building, which is the farthermost building from the exit she needs to use to start her walk home. P worked 6 days this week, hopefully if he gets any days off during the week, he will pick her up, so she won't be so crabby. It's a big change for her, because I've always been on campus and took her home and she's never had to walk home. J is loving being a TA in JROTC, sounds like it's his most favorite period. S is learning random things about her teachers, and randomly tells them to me, too funny. I have had sore feet every night, and am sporting one new blister on my toe. I wish I could find sandals that I could walk in and not hurt my feet. There was a near break in of our house on Tuesday, either right after J got home from school or right before he heard noise when he was in the bathroom, room into his room and got his knife and by the time him got it, they left, the French door was broken and the carport door unlocked. P and J were up very late last night installing a security system, hopefully we'll all be safe and our things from now own. Were off to Prescott soon to celebrate my Uncle Don's 100th birthday.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I have been thinking about how when I was in kindergarten and we had to learn to tie our own shoes. My sister was given the task of teaching me, and I remember a very long night with her determined to teach and me so frustrated I was crying. But I learned how to tie my own shoes that night. J wasn't really ready in kindergarten to learn how to tie. I only bought him Velcro shoes, unfortunately he didn't start tying his own shoes until 4th grade, which was a good thing because it was getting hard to find shoes that Velcroed in bigger sizes. Why this rush own memory lane. I am spending most of my work day in kindergarten and 1st grade classrooms. Shoes are always untied. I'm just nervous when I see kiddos with untied shoes because falling and tripping. I think I should charge for every lace I tie I'd be a millionaire. Well, maybe not a millionaire, but richer. I could collect a lot on those shoes with the round laces, because they never stay tied even double knotted. I'm officially beyond tired, one more day of the first week, whoo, hoo!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Last Day Of Summer

As I sat here sweating typing that title, it seems a rather a crazy thought. Yet today is my last day of summer break. Which hasn't seemed long enough, maybe it would have if I didn't work 5 of the weeks. If only it was below 100 degreesit would be better. I'm still looking for a part-time job, but in the mean time I'll start the school year off at Sunset Ridge. Tomorrow I won't have to drive all the way there as the all day meeting is close by. Thursday I start out close by at a high school, but finish at the campus. Friday all day at the campus. I am so nervous about this whole thing. Working at a school where I don't know anyone. No students, no parents, no staff, where anything on the campus is located. I haven't even met the principal in person. I do know where the school is since I took a test drive, but I can't get there without my Mapquest directions. I should be cleaning or washing but really I am just too hot and don't feel like it. I know I'll regret not doing anything today, but I just don't want too. Partly that has to do I was up late last night reading. In the book the main character's Mom is dying and I had to get through that part and end on something happier before going to sleep. I was crying so bad there for awhile. Yesterday I took S to get her schedule, then did the dreaded taking the girls to Justice, so they could pick out their first day of school tops. They could be there all day. J still needs some binders, but then we are done ready for school until it starts and they tell me the things I've forgotten. Right now J only has 4 classes, TA in JROTC, JROTC, L.A., and economics. He met with his counselor at the end of last year and they did his schedule. Not sure what happened. I have a call in to the counseling office and hopefully they can get him a full schedule with classes he will be happy with. He just won't have a ride home everyday if they don't give him more classes. R had an orthrodontist at a dreaded 4:20 appointment time. Traffic was horrible. I didn't make this appointment P did, but lucky him he was at work so I had to drive. I made J cook dinner, or there would not have been time to eat before dance classes started yesterday at 6.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


is so stressful. Monday I had an interview for a kinder extended day para professional. Someone else got that job who had more kinder experience. Today I interviewed for an accounting clerk. Which I would love, I had to test before the interview. I'll find out tomorrow or Monday if I got it. The school is very close by. Which really pleases me, I hate driving. The principal at this school wasn't there for the interview but she listened in to the interview on speaker phone. That was different. She did apologize for not being there in person. It was just strange.