Saturday, April 28, 2007

Colorful yard

Colorful yard
Originally uploaded by muffinmet.
Joseph has his all day camp orientation today (I had to stay to fill out his paperwork, he'll get a ride home from another Mom, who was planning on hiking a nearby mountain, while the boys learn all their stuff, I am thankful to her, it's hot out there in the sun, and it's a long drive to the Heard Scout Pueblo at 20st and Baseline) .

When we went outside to leave this morning, we found confetti all over the yard, cars, and mail boxes. I let the wind blow it off my car on the way, I'm sure it was the same group who performed this stunt Easter weekend. I wonder how many times they'll do this? UGH

Friday, April 27, 2007


I know I've made an enemy at Sunrise. I'm actually even a lot nervous about how she will treat my daughters in class. I thought about all last weekend, and I just couldn't stand the art teacher calling students bad or good depending on their behavior. I saw the principal Monday morning (I didn't make an appointment, I was just at the right place at the right time) and told her about the bad/good and she asked me to write it out for her. So, I did. I've been avoiding this teacher all week, because I knew the principal would have to write her up. She found me today. I avoided her when she first found me, because I was in the middle of an art project with the kindergartner's. (the scary part is, those kids are probably the only kids on campus who did art this week) She found me after school. She was disappointed that I didn't come to her with my complaint, instead of involving the principal. (I really could have gone on and on with the principal, with all I saw, I just couldn't let this bad/good thing go from my mind) I really didn't think of talking to her first, because I know this woman is so much worse with the students then she let me see. I ask her about the "I will not be bad in art class", she wrote on the board, but she blew me off saying the 5th grade teacher said to do that (which wasn't true), I really don't think she would have taken me seriously. The art teacher has told another PTO board member she will never allow parents in her art room again. I was there because she couldn't handle a simple thing with the kids, coloring on fabric squares that she had complete typed out instructions for.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Help, I've fallen and can't get up

Well, that's what I was saying last night when I rolled right out of bed. I had been asleep for less than an hour, I remember dreaming, then the next thing I knew I was on the floor! There's not much space there, I called for Pat to help me but he was still in the family room and didn't hear me, I thought he was already in bed, because at first it seemed like it had been hours since I had fallen asleep, until I looked at the clock anyway. It took me awhile to figure out how to get myself off the floor and back into bed. I hit my knee on my landing, so I couldn't put weight on it, and I have a hard enough time trying get up from the floor when I'm fully awake, because of my stupid back.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Figured out the problem

While Rachel was dancing yesterday, I noticed during her second class how very tired she was. She had complained about how tired she was during her second class. I never really saw it as her being tired, just defiant. I guess it just really hit me yesterday watching her. We talked about it on the way home,(previously she had decided she only wanted to take one dance class next year). what she didn't know is she could take her 2 classes on separate days. She was happy to hear that, and wants to take both her classes next year, just not on the same day. (I haven't told Pat this yet, he was too happy Rachel only wanted to take one class, because of the cost) Rachel and I talked about then she couldn't fight with me on dance days. She said "she wouldn't or I can put her back in the classes on the same day, deal?" Sounds like a great deal to me. I can't wait to tell Pat, NOT!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Is It Bedtime Yet?

What a long week! Today I felt like I was running around with my head chopped off at Sunrise. Not only was I in the art room all day, except for I also had to do be in the kindergarten classrooms, AM and PM to get their quilt squares done. Some how in between, I managed, to set up the coolers and put the drinks on ice for selling after school, and worked on putting notes and wooden skewers in the teachers mail boxes, so they could have their class make flags next week for culture diversity week. Then of course selling candy after school. Dropped the girls off at home and went and got pizza for dinner at Little Ceaser's for dinner, not great pizza, but cheap. Hurried Joseph out the door at 5:30 to take him to his scout meeting place, for the troop to drive together for their camp this weekend. I started quizing him too late if he had everything though. He forgot his contact solution and case. Then I realized too late I did not have a house key to get back in the house. I had left it for Joseph for after school, since I knew he would be home before me. (he had his own key, but lost it awhile ago, I just haven't remembered to replace it, until he needed a key, then it was too late. I should also mention that he says he didn't lose it, but my house key from my set of keys just disappeared one day, I am so not that stupid) Luckily my sister was home and had an extra contact case and a house key, and she lives close by to where I had to drop Joseph off at. He gets his stuff out of the car, I fill out the permission slip, I drive to Ace hardware to get a key made, on the way I notice he doesn't take his pizza or drink he bought to take with him, and now it is past the time they were supposed to leave, so I did not go back, so I'm sure it will be my fault he'll be hungry tonight. As the girls and I are leaving Ace, Sarah says wait I forgot something. She goes back in but doesn't come back with anything (I didn't know she even took anything in) She tells me it's the neighbor girl's Ninetendo DS game, (as I am driving away)I tell her she'll have to replace it, and I ask which game is it. One that just resently came out, so it would be probably over $30. It's going to take her a long time to save that kind of money. She's crying, I'm mad, I'm saying, you were responsible for the game, you need to give her yours until you can replace the hers (why you might wonder would she have someone else's game that she already has herself is- the neighbor wanted Sarah to get farther in the game for her) I finally think to ask her to check her pockets, and lo and behold the game is in her pocket. I made her give it back on the way home. Now it's about 7, and almost time for me to start to fight with the girls about going to bed.(Pat's at work, of course and misses all this fun)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Kindergarten aid

I applied for the kindergarten aid position at Sunrise for the remainder of the school year. I was going to be interviewed today, but I need to take a state test first to see if I qualify. I've contacted the district office to find out where I can take this test. Please pray if it is God's will for me to get this job or not, that everything will work out. It would really help us out pocket book wise, so Sarah can go to church camp, dance recital tickets, etc., etc, etc. for this summer. Money is so tight now, I just don't know what we are going to keep the kids busy this summer. I also heard today there is a 2 hour a day position for an aid next school year, that really would be perfect, it has not been posted yet on the district web site, so I can't apply for it yet, but that would be perfect. I'm more than a little tired today, after spending 2 days with the art teacher, and my legs hurt, feet hurt and are swollen. The quilt the PTO is putting together is going to be really neat, the kids are doing an awesome job with their quilt squares. I'm not sure how well it would have worked if we left the art teacher alone to accomplish this with the students. I really wonder about her. My new work for her is she is a loon. I'm not quite sure what I mean by that, I liked the word it seems to fit, she doesn't seem all there to me.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Nicest Girl

Today I was at Sunrise, mostly taking over for the art teacher, (she is terrible, with the kids) helping the kids make there own quilt square for a whole school quilt the PTO is putting together for multi-culture week, to be displayed in our new building. One charming 1st grader today, told me I was the nicest girl he knows. Very sweet, but then again he doesn't know me very well! He was in the morning K class last year, that wasn't Rachel's class, but since I did art projects in both classes, I knew him last year, so it wasn't like he just met me today!

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Yesterday I saw the chiropractor. When I first started seeing him, walking was a very bad thing. Now, all of a sudden it's a good thing. He wants me to walk 20 minutes each day. I didn't have time yesterday to use the treadmill, today I walked for the first time in a really long time. It's been something or another keeping me from walking, heel pain, back pain, cold, sickness, tail bone, etc. etc. excuses. My legs feel fine now, but later when I can't walk, will see if this walking thing happens again tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Happy Birthday!

To my Heman! Today is my husband's birthday. We have a tradition that on birthday's we serve the birthday person breakfast in bed. Pat had fallen asleep on the couch last night, I had to ask him to please go to bed, so we could celebrate his birthday. He has to go to work this afternoon before the kids get home from school and close, so we had to do something this morning, before the kids left for school. Breakfast and presents in bed, that will be it for today. Saturday he's off early so maybe he'll want to do something then.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Too much fresh air

Yesterday was windy and lovely outside, I didn't even think about my allergies, until this morning, when my head was so stuffed up, it was hard to breath. I laid down for an hour after I sent the kids off to school, before the appointment I had this morning. I didn't make it to the appointment, 5 hours later, I woke up! While I was sitting watching Rachel dance a few hours later, I thought my head was going to burst. After dinner, I laid down, and fell asleep, went and got Sarah, and before the kids went to bed, fell asleep again, they kept waking me up to tell me good night, I about jumped to the ceiling every time. I want to try to stay awake for a few hours, at least one anyway, so I can take some more medicine, and hopefully wake up tomorrow pain free. The house is a wreck from Easter stuff everywhere and me not doing anything all day :(

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!

We woke up this morning with an extra Easter gift left in out yard and on our cars :( The first time ever, and hopefully the last our house was papered, and cars covered in confetti.The day can only get better from here.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

I did it!

I figured something out on my own. I am so proud of myself. I can't say what it it, because it's for Pat's birthday present :) The kids and I colored Easter eggs last night. I left 6 for Pat to do, he always misses out on the fun stuff, but he didn't get today before going to work.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Movie Night

Was successful if you don't count the numbers or if we broke even :( We ordered way to many pizzas. When Marlene brought Sarah home from dance, I asked if her two middle kids could come help me at movie night. They rushed right out of the car. I had a hard time keeping the younger one busy, he'd finish his job, and wanted another task. I got home after 10 last night, and I slept terribly, I had this weird leg cramp that kept waking me up. I had to set me alarm for 7 this morning. My neighbor asked if I could watch her daughter this morning. So, while the rest of my family is still fast sleep. I''m awake with the TV blaring in the back ground. But at least it's keeping her busy, so she's not bugging me or begging to wake up my girls.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


I felt useful already today. I get a call from Sunrise at 8, with a parent wanting to pick up their candles. I wasn't even dressed, yet. I hurry and get dressed and get there and she only had one candle. Oh brother. But as I was in the office and emergency arose and I ended up staying and helping in the office till almost 10, doing late passes and answering phones. It is kinda funny because the one secretary's name is Janet and I was at her deck, so people would come in looking for Janet, not realizing they found one! I had dropped Sarah and Rachel off at 7:30 this morning for chorus, and wasn't planning on going back to Sunrise until this afternoon, for candy sales, and to get ready for movie night. It did feel good, that I could help in a small way already today.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Big difference from a child being independent and to teenager who needs? or wants Independence. This afternoon, I'm at Sunrise and I get a call from Joseph and he tells me he's going to a friend's house and then they are going to church, and he'll be home around 9. What!!!! I think it would have been better if he asked me if he could do these things, instead of telling me. Joseph has never gone to a friend's house after school before, so that in itself is a huge step for both of us. I'm very thankful he remembered to call me and tell me, but don't you think it would be better if he asked me though?

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Crazy Days

The last two days have been crazy. Mostly all Sunrise PTO stuff, but today I threw in grocery shopping and laundry. I could list all the stuff I got done, but it would drive me crazier to rethink all I did. Tomorrow will be much more relaxing, I think anyway. But who knows what I'm forgetting. Tonight was our last PTO open meeting for this school year. We elected officers, we really just decided what we wanted to do next year. We had decided to expand our board next year already. We will have co-presidents, and co-secretaries, and a vice president and treasure. My friend and I will be the co-presidents. We really had decided this already, we work well together, and what one of us doesn't think of the other one does. Thursday night we are holding a movie night, showing Charlotte's Web. Thursday will be another long day. I really don't know what I was thinking going to the grocery store today when no one was home to help me unload the groceries. I try to do just one big shopping day per month, then either ask Pat to pick things up while he's at work or just stop and get a few things that are on sale. I felt so overwhelmed just bringing in all the bags, and then I had to unload it all and out it away, UGH I'll be glad for the day off of school on Friday.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Happy April Fool's Day!

Happy April Fool's Day!
Originally uploaded by muffinmet.
My Dad always tried to joke with us on April Fool's Day. I keep the tradation alive by doing some food trick every year. This is this year's, "eggs" for breakfast!