Thursday, April 21, 2011

Joseph-AIr Force update

Tuesday, I got a call from Joseph's recruiter. He was to report to MEPS yesterday morning at 5:45 AM. I think it was exactly 30 days since he was first there and was told he would hear something in 30 days. Thank goodness Pat had to work at 6 AM I asked him to please get up a little earlier to drop Joseph off. Joseph's knee was looked at and an x-ray done. Knee is cleared. He got done a little after 11, which was perfect, I was still able to go to my bible study before having to pick him up. It was a long drive for me, 1st Street and Washington. I had to park and sign in, to sign him out. Pat had just had to drop him off. Luckily there was a parking spot right in front of the building, I don't expect that to happen every time he needs picked up, but I was thankful for yesterday! He needs to report on the 26th and May 9th. Vision and psych evaluation.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sarah's knees

Took Sarah to the an orthopedic doctor today, I'm not sure what he said the official problem is, but he did say it's normal for girls her age to have the pain and swelling problems she has been having. He is going to have her do physical therapy and she her back in 2 months. I hope the PT helps her, she's been sitting out of her dance classes for 2 weeks now. And not doing PE in school.I asked about using a brace during exercise and dance, the doctor said we could try if we wanted but it usually causing itching and it gets abandoned. She wanted to try it though, she knows how much her knees hurt. I bought one to start with to see if she likes it. No sense in wasting another $15 if she won't be using them.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I hate bullies, I hate that my baby has to go through this at school. I hate that one girl is so "powerful" that she makes all the girls miserable. If you not my friend so and so can't be your friend, etc., etc. This is nothing new, it kinda slacked off for awhile. I hesitate to get the principal involved again. She met with the girls and made them promise to all be friends last time which I don't think really solved the problem. Maybe put a band-aid on it, but band-aids fall off, and you can be left with a scar. I don't want Rachel to be left with a scar. I know the principal just doesn't have time or make the time for students like she should. Oddly enough I got this article from my principal the other day. This is some of it
  • Teach them that bullies get their power from our negative emotions. The more upset we get when picked on, the more powerful mean kids feel.
  • Show your child how to trick bullies by pretending to be calm. If our children can learn to act calm when bullies hassle them, they become far less attractive targets.
  • Teach your child to confuse or bewilder bullies by responding to verbal taunts with replies like, "Thanks for noticing" or "I appreciate the feedback."
  • Help your child develop great social skills so that they are liked, accepted, and protected by positive peers. Kids who don't know how to relate in healthy ways often find themselves gravitating toward peers who treat them poorly.
I put on hold at the library "Words Will Never Hurt Me", by Sally Ogden the book goes into more details. I just love the 3rd point. I want to go up to the girl and say those things to her! But I think it best I teach Rachel those things.