Monday, March 19, 2007

Slept in!

Hooray for Spring break, It was lovely sleeping in till 9, the only kid awake so far is Sarah, I'm sure later it will just be a joy to get them all to bed. NOT! Yesterday, was much more fun than the day before. After serving in the first service at church, went (me and the kids) to the 11 O'clock service. Went to Target to get some seeds, for some herbs I want to try to grow, there's just something about Spring that brings in the gardening in me. Went to Costco and got the pictures that were there waiting for me, and snacks for school next week. We ate lunch at Costco. While we were waiting to fill our drink cups, one of my friend's from our old church said hi! I haven't seen her in a long time, we used to met everyone ince in awile at McDonald's. Carol and her son sat with us while we ate and visited, it was so much fun, catching up with her. Although she did most of the talking! I was glad to hear all the changing in her life since we last saw each other. Pat had just seen her husband at Fry's last week, so I did know a little of the changes. My friend's husband was the head pastor from our old church, and now he's in the police academy! Planted my herbs when we got home, and did a little scrapbooking. When Pat got home we started out marathon watching 5 episodes of season 4 of 24. I'm very sorry Pat got me to watch the show, it's very addicting!

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